Using technology to maximize efficiency
The Washington Rush School of Excellence is working in partnership with RISE Elite Soccer App to provide every player an additional training opportunity. RISE will provide players with over 1,000 instructional videos and 500+ skills to master.
Focuses Include: Speed, Skill, Strength
Getting Started
Download the RISE Elite Soccer App
App Store - https://appsto.re/us/AKRIjb.i
Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.athletefitapp
Create a new account if you do not currently have the RISE App. If you are a child under the age of 13, parents must register with their email and birthday to ensure all communication runs through the parent.
When instructed to enter your TEAM CODE. (All registered players will have code provided by their Rush Coach.) This will unlock the player program modules of the app and all the associated supplemental workouts for each module.
Get started using the workouts!
Progressing to More Challenging Workouts:
The first phase of each workout is fairly basic and designed for younger players or players just getting started with training. For your more advanced players, if they watch the video, perform the exercise and give themselves a rating of 4 stars for each exercise in a workout, the next phase of the workout will be unlocked. Unlocking all 3 phases of two adjacent modules will unlock the module above them in the next level - this is how advanced players can progress to more challenging workouts. Players can always go back to the previous phase by clicking the PHASE 1 tab at the top of each workout overview screen.
Using the Supplemental Workouts:
When at the workout overview screen, players can scroll down (viewing all the exercises in that phase) and at the bottom they will see a list of SUPPLEMENTAL WORKOUTS. Click on any of these workouts to dig deeper into training programs for that specific skill.